Rabu, 11 Mei 2016

Did Megan Fox Have a Nosejob? Megan Fox Before and After Plastic Surgery

Ever since her sexually intoxicating break through role in Transformers people have been asking whether or not uber hottie Megan Fox has had and plastic surgery performed. Tabloids and bloggers have speculated on everything from a nose job to boob job to lip injections to cheek filler, but through it all Fox’s rep adamantly denies that she has had ANY enhancements done.
Being the diligent journalist that I am I thought I might take on this important question and see what evidence I could find (if any) of perceptible alterations in Megan’s face or breastial area. The conclusion? There’s no doubt Megan’s lips can get a little puffier nowadays than they used to be, but since that isn’t really permanent and relatively easy to see by just googling “Megan Fox” I’m going to skip it here.
As to that issue, though, a lot of the rumors about Megan Fox plastic surgery past seem to be little more than that— rumors. Most of Fox’s physical changes can actually be explained quite easily by one inarguable fact: she’s only 23 years old! Some of the Megan Fox before and after pictures floating around the net are trying to make their case by juxtaposing a recent photo of Megan with another taken in 2004. Well, most of us would be hard-pressed to recall a woman who looked exactly the same in high school and she did after college. The body is still developing during the late teens and early twenties, including facial features. Often, rounded features associated with childhood are still working their way out during this time period, helping to explain how Fox’s facial features have become more sculpted and tighter over the last few years. Still, does this mean that the Megan Fox plastic surgery police have no further case to be made?

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